GCIS: Risk Management Internships 2020 / 2021 in Pretoria

Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) is offering Risk Management Internship Programme for financial year 2020 / 2021.
Internships Application Closing Date: 20 March 2020
Internship Provider: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)
Internship Location: Pretoria, Gauteng
Stipend: R6747.75 per month
Government Communication and Information System would like to invite qualifying graduates to apply to participate in an Internship programme in the 2020/2021 financial year. The Graduate Internship Programmes meant to provide work exposure to nine (9) graduates for a period of twenty (24) months. Applicants must be unemployed and never participated in an Internship Programme previously. Placement in the organisation after the Internship Programme is not guaranteed.
- Applicants should be in possession of National Diploma (NQF 6) in Risk Management/Auditing.
- No experience required.
- Applicants are required to possess communication and basic computer skills
How to apply
Forward your application to: The DG of Government Communication and Information System, Private Bag X 745, Pretoria 0001, or hand deliver to TshedimosetsoHouse, 1035 Cnr Francis Baard & Festival streets, Hatfield, Pretoria.
For more information call: Mr Mhlengi Mkhize Tel No: (012) 473 0376